Crawling Insect Control
Protect your property from crawling insect pests
Insect control in your Home or Buisiness
Our experts are here to help, any questions you have towards eliminateing or erradication of insect pests from your property we are your local experts.
Insect Pest Control - Know your insect pest.
Clothe Moths, White Sholdered Moth, Warehouse Moth, Indian Meal Moth, Carpet Beetles, Fur Beetles, Black Garden Ants are some of the most common pests found in the UK. There are many other species we could list, however there are over 4000 Beetle specise, over 2,500 of Moths and 50 species of Ant in the UK.
Why use a professional pest control company?
Controling of insect pests in your property needs attention to detail in the problem areas and indentifyable knoledge of the pest and its breeding cycles, our staff are fully trained to provide a full service soloution, firstley surveying the property, and provideing information and soloutions towards the imediate control or erradication of your insect pest.
Larva of (Tinea pelionella) case bareing Clothes Moth
How much will it cost to get rid of my crawling inset pests?
With crawling insects, an insect ID must be carried out to first to identify the isect pest.
Call NPC to get a quote.
Our staff will be able to identify most insect pests on site, if not, we have and insect ID service avalible. Where by the insect will be sent to our entomologist for identification.