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Writer's pictureRory Brotherton

Wasps Nest Season! Whats with the sting?

Wasps are known for there black and yellow striped abdomen and there venomous sting!.

With warm weather in the spring and summer of the UK, wasps are verry active predateing on other insects and sweet treats such as beer, wine, apples, fruit ect.

Preventing them is a task which requires full prepreation in the spring and use of traps in locations where wasps may enter your home or are activre on your properties perimiters.

If you become alerted to ongoing activity in one piticular area you may indeed, have a wasps nest! or in some cases mutiple nests in a close vicinity. To be sure, seek a proffesional offering a wasp removal service.

Do not attepmt to tackle these yellow and black insects as with out the correct protective clothing and remedy or you will sure be in for a sting or two maybey hundereds as large 3-4 month old nests can hold thousands of wasps!.

For more infourmation on wasp prevention or if you have a question, call Northumberland Pest Control today on 07769176666.

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